It’s been a while since I’ve added some featured weddings, so it’s about time I get back on to uploading some images from recent weddings. What better way to start than with the wedding of Laura and Joe at Brockworth Court, Gloucestershire.
This is wedding number 10 of this year, and it was one of my favourites so far. I’d never photographed a wedding at Brockworth Court before, and although I did my research before I arrived at the venue – I was in for a treat. It is such a beautiful location for a wedding. The house is surrounded by stunning gardens and its just perfect for a relaxed day. The weather was warm and sunny, with so many opportunities to get amazing photos.
I had so much fun photographing this wedding (a few characters to say the least) and the odd guest having some problems walking down a very steep church pathway (choice of shoes played a factor – you know who you are…..).
Hugh thanks to Laura and Joe for inviting me to the wedding. Below are just a few of my favourites from the day.
Wedding photography at Brockworth Court Wedding Photos